Do any of the cast from Jersey Shore smoke or drink?
FunAdvice Do any of the cast from Jersey Shore smoke or drink? has 5 answers. Ask any Entertainment questions you have and get fast answers. The cast of the Jersey Shore departs LAX (Los Angeles International Airport). Pictured are Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, Sammi "Sweetheart. Sammi Sweetheart | Coming Soon!
Does Sammi Sweetheart smoke? In: Entertainment. Is Sammi Sweetheart from Jersey Shore pregnant? If Sammi "Sweetheart" Giancola of. The only time ive noticed her smoking is in the 12th episode in season 2 when her and Ronnie fell our over him saying she looks Asian. Does sammi from jersey shore smoke? ChaCha Answer: Jenni and Snooki from the Jersey Shore both smoke but I found nothing about Sammi.
Jersey Shore Cast seen smoking and Departing LAX in Other Pics Forum
Does Sammi from Jersey Shore smoke - The Q&A wiki
Does sammi from jersey shore smoke? | ChaCha
Does sammi from jersey shore smoke Does Sammi from Jersey Shore smoke - The Q&A wiki